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Neosify detailed analysis: current status and investment terms

5 out of 5 based on 168 user ratings.
SCAMHYIP screenshot  Neosify
ZanozaRating: 0.00
Staking: Up to 0,71% Daily Forever (259,15% APY) / Liquidity: 48% - 540% After 60 - 365 Days
Payment systemsTetherBitcoinEthereumLitecoinDashDogecoinZcashTronPepeShib
Minimal deposit
Type of payment
Referral program
30% from Staking or 50% of your follower’s Daily interest
Technical Neosify review: whois and server data
Last check
2023-01-21 09:46:27
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United States Server location country
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Domain Registrar
Hostinger, UAB
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Google Trust Services LLC
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NEOSIFY status on the monitors review
Neosify is a low-yielding asset that offers to earn profits from keeping funds on balance and staking up to 0.76% per day. All the features of the cryptocurrency fund will be described further in the review.

Information about the project

The platform earns in the field of decentralized finance and presents users a cryptocurrency wallet with the possibility of earning income. The project is a large community of 10 thousand users from more than 50 different countries. The fund has good information support and on the pages of its website you can find not only detailed information about its functioning, but also get acquainted with the documentation.

The domain is leased for two years, a self-written script is used, and there is protection from hacker attacks by CloudFlare. The resource has a unique design, modern and animated site design. Separately, it should be noted that the registration procedure is very simple and in just a couple of clicks a user can gain access to a personal account.

Investment conditions in Neosify

Keeping cryptocurrency on the balance of, its users will receive profit on the account balance. In this case, the amount should be equivalent to $100, which will allow earning a floating profit of 0.06%-0.1% per day (1.8%-3% per month). These assets are not frozen and can be withdrawn at any time instantaneously. Also a participant can send his money to staking with freezing for 30 days and yield 0.14%-0.29% per day. Please note that there is a 2.1% fee for withdrawals from the staking and the transfer time is 7 days.

  1. Yield: from 0.24% to 0.76% per day
  2. Investment terms: from 30 days to unlimited
  3. Investment amount: from $100
  4. Profit exit: at the end of investment
  5. Profit size: 87% - 277,4% APY

Features of the site:

  • Investment: from $100.
  • Payment acceptance: DASH, USDT, DOGE, Zcash, ETH, LTC, BTC, TRX.
  • Cryptocurrency conversion: not subject to conversion.
  • Minimum withdrawal: 0.1 DASH, 10 USDT, 100 DOGE, 0.15 Zcash, 0.01 ETH, 0.1 LTC, 0.0004 BTC.
  • Commission: 2.1% of the amount is charged when withdrawing money from staking.
  • Withdrawal of profit: instantly.
  • Referral program: 50% of profits (30% of the staking profit).

Registration on the site Neosify

Earnings in Neosify are available only for registered users, so if the project aroused your interest, you need to create an account. To do that, go to the fund’s website and use the button «Connect».

A registration form will open where you need to enter some data to identify you in the system: your email address and enter your password twice. Below on the same page you need to confirm your agreement with the rules of the project, finally press the button «Sign up».

Once you go to a personal account, you can start earning by keeping money on the balance. To do this on the main page, select one of the proposed currencies, then click on the appropriate button «+». Then transfer funds to the specified address. To request the withdrawal, select the currency on the same page and click «-», after that the standard request specifying the amount and details is created.

To increase your earnings and send money to staking, go to the section «Stake», select the balance and press the button «Stake». Read the terms and conditions and confirm the freezing of funds.