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Main page/HYIPs by amount of reviews/Exchange-assets review detailed analysis: current status and investment terms

5 out of 5 based on 15 user ratings.
HYIP screenshot  Exchange-assets
ZanozaRating: 1.25
25% per year
Payment systemsBitcoinTetherEthereumDogecoinLitecoin
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Referral program
3 levels, up to 14% - 10% - 6%
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2022-12-20 09:00:05
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ExchangeAssets is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers services not only for traders, but also offers investment options for depositors. You will learn about all the features of the project and the yield of this asset further in the review.

Information about the project

The stock has been operating since 2017 and positions itself as a hybrid platform, the functionality of which offers cryptocurrency trading, POS mining, bux services, etc. The users can perform not only digital money transactions, but also earn profits without investing, invest money and earn profits, and use the platform for advertising.

Investment conditions in ExchangeAssets

It is offered to earn in under the conditions of two investment directions.

POS pool is a system of profit accrual on open orders. The investors invest their money in liquidity pools, which are used for operations on the exchange. As a profit, the participants of the pool are paid from the exchange’s profits. Depending on the cryptocurrency, the yield will range from 23.7% to 0.05% per year.

The second line for earning is investing in shares S11. In fact, these are shares of the platform, which have a limited emission: a total of 1.6 million shares are planned to be issued. By purchasing shares, the user will receive daily dividends for an unlimited term, as long as the shares are in their possession. It is possible to buy and sell shares at any time, the minimum price is 0.005 USDT.

Besides the options described above, additional earnings will be paid for performing tasks, surfing and thanks to the cryptocurrency faucet. The advertisers are given the opportunity to advertise banners, you can customize this action through the «Advertising» section.

Marketing features:

  •  Deposit limits: from 0.001 BTC.
  •  Accept payments: via cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
  •  Cryptocurrency conversion: invested cryptocurrency operates in the project without conversion.
  •  Minimum withdrawal: 0.0005 BTC.
  •  Profit withdrawal: manually up to 72 hours.

Affiliate program

The project offers to receive additional yield from participation in the affiliate program. The participants will receive profit from the activity of the acquired referrals, and for each service has its own percentage of reward. The exchange will pay a basic percentage of yield, as well as the VIP commissions on three referral levels:

  •  Basic remuneration : from 0.001%-0.0006%-0.0002% to 10%-6%-2%.
  •  VIP commissions : from 0.0014%-0.0001%-0.0006% to 14%-10%-6%.

You can invite referrals after you register on the site, to do this, copy the referral link in your personal account and distribute it. In addition, clients who register in the system without an upline can become your sub-affiliates.

Registration on the website

You can earn on dividends with ExchangeAssets after completing the registration procedure, which starts from the main page. To start, press the «Login/Registration» button in the top menu of the page. A spoiler will open and a few actions will be offered: you will have to choose «Account registration». Next, you will be invited to enter your username, email address and password. Below, check the boxes as a sign of agreement with the rules of the project and privacy policy, and finally, pass the anti-bot-check. The registration is completed by pressing the «Register» button.

If you specified all the data correctly, you will see a message about successful registration on the site. Before you get access to your personal account you need to go to your mailbox and confirm the registration of the account. After that you can log in to your personal account via the login button.

The balance replenishment and profit withdrawal will be made through the «Wallet» section, which you can open by clicking on the user icon. During replenishment, you need to specify the currency and amount, and then transfer the cryptocurrency to the specified address. To request money for withdrawal, you also need to submit an application, which will be processed manually within 72 hours.