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List of HYIPs by start date

Main page/New HYIPs

Nowadays investments in new hyip projects are very popular on the Internet and represent cash contributions to an investment website at a certain interest and for a certain period. Thousands of people from all over the world make money off HYIP investments, but it is not so easy for a novice for several reasons.
First, HYIPs are promoted and advertised in a quite aggressive way, different HYIP websites offer their service and not everyone can figure out how to choose a reliable one. This is where special investment monitoring services come to assistance.
Our hyipmonitor collects all new HYIP sites, automatically analyses them, counts the number of contributions, assigns unique ZRs and kindly furnish you with all the collected information on one page. Now you do not need to dig through hundreds of different resources looking for the necessary information bit by bit.
Second, our service makes qualitative judgements about all new investment websites, conducts marketing researches, warns about risks of investments in unfair programs. This category is your best and reliable partner in the world of investments.

Investments in HYIP websites through our monitoring

Working with HYIP projects poses certain risk to investors. First, this is due to the high interest reaching such crazy figures as a few tens of percent per hour. It is clear that such new HYIPs are scams and work for a few hours at best, or even do not pay no one. It is fundamentally wrong to sort HYIP websites only by yield.
Our monitoring collects information from many resources (script licenses, hosting, number of deposits, monitoring and blog status, hyip marketing) and assigns a status to an investment project based on these data.